For women and children facing violence

+91 9830079448
+91 9830204393
+91 9830204322
+91 9830747030
+91 9830737030
+91 9073916030
+91 9073917030
+91 9073910040+91 9073910060
+91 9073922267



Swayam believes that every individual has the capacity to fight for women’s rights in some shape or form. This is why we invite you to support us in the fight against violence towards women. Here there are some suggestions of how you can contribute:

Volunteer, Fundraise, Support us on Social Media


Swayam’s association with volunteers dates back to its inception. We encourage volunteers as a policy, to further our goal of involving as many people as possible in our efforts to end violence against women. Our volunteer base is diverse, from school and college students to professionals from various spheres as well as homemakers. For volunteers who are willing to commit their time, we organise training programmes to orient them to our work and related issues.

Some of the activities in which volunteers can help are:

  • organising programmes and events
  • helping with campaigns
  • postering
  • data entry and documentation
  • research work
  • fundraising
  • designing information, educational and communication materials

If you are interested in volunteering please first fill out this form-

and then email us at:


Every rupee, dollar, pound or whichever currency you use, will help Swayam in supporting women affected by violence. Community fundraising can raise useful amounts of money for us and we appreciate all the help we can get. If you would like to fundraise in your community here are some ideas:

  • Ask others to sponsor you for participating in a public walk, run or marathon
  • Clear out your wardrobe and sell clothes to your work colleagues and neighbours
  • Host a quiz in your local café or social club with a small fee to participate
  • Ask your friends and family for spare books for you to sell

Social Media Support

Please follow us on your preferred social media platform. Here are our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter links. We would appreciate if you could ‘share’ our posts as this will widen our audience and spread the message to say no to violence against women.

Swayam Twitter handle: @swayamkolkata

Swayam Instagram Handle: @swayamkolkata

Swayam Facebook page:  Swayam | Facebook

What can you do to stop violence against women?

Violence of any kind, whether committed in public or in private, is a social concern, not a private matter. Help from the community is essential. If you know any woman who is facing violence at home, do not hesitate to extend your support. You can make the difference between life and death.

  • Listen to her, believe her and don’t judge her
  • Tell her she has the right to live a violence-free life
  • Tell her there are laws to protect her from violence (see ‘Your Rights & The Law page)
  • Connect her to Swayam or other necessary institutions (see our ‘Need Help’ and ‘Other Institutions’ page)